Need to upgrade from desktop v19 but to a Mac friendly program
We are a small business that has been using Premier V.19 since day dot.
Our problem is we all work on Macs and access the file through MS Remote desktop. Our file is stored on a very, very, old server. I know I am borrowed time but have been waiting for MYOB to bring out a truly online version or a program that is Mac-friendly.
Every time I frustratingly have to hang on to confirm my file (that I own and have no support for) someone tries to talk me into going with a product that just won't work for us.
I am curious about Business Pro being truly online but have noticed it only has 10 inventory items. If we abandon inventory, can we still keep all our item descriptions and use them on our invoices and purchase orders? Are item descriptions part of inventory even if we don't track them?
Has anyone else any ideas for using MYOB in a Mac environment that can be accessed from anywhere?