Forum Discussion
Sorry Mike_James to be a pain but just following up on this one - any ideas?
Hi DaveKC , if this is the item list summary, because you are using multiple locations, it has to be grouped either by item or by location. Neither of those will show each product as a single line.
If this isn't the issue, can you post a PDF of a part of your report, with costs blurred?
- DaveKC2 months agoExperienced Cover User
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply!
And yes that is my issue - I'm trying to compare current stock levels (total, regardless of location) with sales over the previous 6 months (or whatever time frame). I've been able to run an inventory report and a stock report, export both to Excel and just 'merge' them reasonably easily.
With over 1500 SKUs I'de prefer not to need to manually enter the stock level for each item.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
- Mike_James2 months agoUltimate Cover User
Hi DaveKC , this is a possible workaround, which takes longer to describe than to do:
- Run the item list summary by location, and send to Excel (defaults to Sheet1)
Column B contains the item codes
Column E contains the quantities - Add a new worksheet, name it Summary
- Create a list of all your inventoried item codes, eg exporting the items to a file and open it in Excel, then copy the item code column
- Paste these item codes to the new worksheet in column A, starting in row 1
- In column B, create this formula:
=SUMIF(Sheet1!B:B,Summary!A1,Sheet1!E:E) ** Use the correct sheet name if different
and copy it down all the rows
This formula will look up the matching item codes in the report and sum the quantities - Now you have a worksheet with one row per code and a total stock quantity
- DaveKC2 months agoExperienced Cover User
Hi Mike_James ,
Thank you so much for this - I've just had a play and it seems to have worked! Only change I needed to make was to delete the cell at the top of the 'Unit on Hand' column (E) so that the quantity was then in the same row as the item code.
You don't happen to have a fix for sorting Picking Slips by alphanumeric codes do you? We use the 'Custom Field 3' to note every SKUs location in our warehouse and it would be much easier to have the Pick Slip sorted by this 'Bin #' rather than by the order in which the SKUs were entered into the invoice?
I'de be very happy to pay for someone to write me a script if its possible?
- Run the item list summary by location, and send to Excel (defaults to Sheet1)
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