Forum Discussion

Madaleen's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
3 years ago

STP Phase 2 Rollout: Progress Update


Close to 900 Advanced Payroll AU customers need to transition to STP Phase 2 by the end of August.  As customers upgrade to the STP Phase 2 version (2021.1.403+), MYOB will email newly upgraded customers with the "Ready for STP Phase 2" email. These emails go out every 2 weeks, only to newly upgraded customers.

448 customers are on an STP Phase 2 version, so we are halfway there with upgrades. Customers then have to enable STP Phase 2 and complete the transition.
  • 297 customers were emailed mid Apr that they can transition.
  • 50 customers have enabled STP Phase 2, 17% of the 297 notified customers.
  • Another 151 customers was emailed yesterday.
We expect the initial uptake to be slow given the August deadline, but we strongly encourage partners and clients to transition to STP Phase 2 as soon as possible.
The ATO will email all MYOB Enterprise customers in May and we expect to see more transitions during May and June. We will follow this up with an in-app notification to all customers that have not enabled STP Phase 2 to drive urgency. We are also planning a combined STP Phase 2 webinar with the ATO, date to be confirmed. 

There has been an increase in STP related support calls during March and Apr, but the numbers are holding steady and we haven't seen any issues that require product fixes.
Common issues to watch out for:
After the changes to employees and pay items, users must apply the change historically as per the guide.
When working through the STP Phase 2 steps in payroll preferences, save between the steps.
For new sites that were provisioned on 2021.1.403+, when the end user turns on STP Phase 2 it will automatically be enabled for STP Phase 2 so that they can go live on STP phase 2.
Reminder of Enablement Resources 

Madaleen Bothma 

Product Manager 

MYOB Advanced Payroll 

1 Reply

  • Madaleen's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager
    The transition guide has been expanded to include troubleshooting tips. Common issues and workarounds will be captured here, e.g. if the end-user skipped a step.