5 years agoTrusted Partner
Dividends Error CMN.ATO.GEN.XML.-1
I have prepared a 2020 tax return for an investor with 50 dividends imported from the ATO pre-fill
plus another few that I added as they were not on the pre-fill.
Can anyone give me any help?...
- 5 years ago
The validation report contains sensitive data, you may want to delete it if possible.
Everything under "Errors" should be all that is needed to assist you.
Is this relevant?
A maximum number of 50 dividend worksheets can be entered into Tax. For more than 50 records, it will be consolidated and sent to the ATO.
When consolidating the worksheets, it is grouped by country of residence when the dividends was paid
EDIT: The same error code is listed here, but shows a "InterestCollection" error with a similar 50 records cap. Common PLS rejections in Tax - Practice Solutions: Support Notes - MYOB Help Centre