Forum Discussion
Thanks for your quick reply. I'm a bit unsure, am I supposed to post my screenshots here? I followed your link to go to Private Message, but it just said Private Message and I couldn't figure out how I could send a Private Message to you through that link you sent me in your reply to my problem. Also, it will take me a bit of time to get back to you after I follow your directions and get screenshots etc. together. Thanks, Hip
Never MInd! I can do a Private Message. I had been following the link from the email, but if I go into the actual MYOB Community and the section where my original post is, I can Private Message you. So, I'll get back to you in the next few days. Thanks!
Hi Hippopotamus
I've received your private message and just responded to it.
Should you need some further information the following Forum Help Articles may be of use: Private messaging & Adding images to your post
- Hippopotamus3 years agoContributing User
Hi Steven M,
On Friday 3.3.23 I stayed up late and sent you 2 Private Messages, with the screen shots you were requesting. I hope you got them.
Is there any way I can access our private messages, because unlike email, I can't see my Sent messages so I worry that they were actually sent, and also I might like to review the progress/history of my queries.
- Steven_M3 years agoFormer Staff
Hi Hippopotamus
Private messages have been received and replied to. If needed you can see your sent private messages by selecting your Avatar (top right) of the Forum, selecting the number next envelop icon from the pull-out menu before selecting the Sent tab.
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