Forum Discussion

SenomixSoftware's avatar
2 months ago

Our new integration with MYOB AccountRight: Senomix Timesheets

Hello everyone,


We recently completed an integration of MYOB AccountRight with our employee time tracking system. Since new application listings on the MYOB App Marketplace are temporarily unavailable, I thought I would post a brief announcement here.


Senomix provides desktop and mobile applications that allow your staff to enter and manage work hours for MYOB Activity Slips.


You can automatically import your employee and project information from MYOB, then immediately start tracking time.


Approved weekly timesheets can be exported to MYOB Activity Slips with a single button click.
That should save you hours of admin work every week!


You can find an overview of our time tracking with MYOB AccountRight through this link:


You can sign up for a 30-day free trial in just a few moments.


Further details can be found through our site.


If you have any questions about the options available, please feel free to send us an email at


Thank you for your interest,




Charles O'Dale
Senomix Software Inc.

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