Entering payment with STC rebate
Hi, can someone please advise how to enter this correctly. (For context, small community club outsourcing accounts to me. I allocate everything through bank transactions, don't use suppliers or bills. Minimal invoicing.)
Client purchased a Solar system, this was invoiced at $22,000, gst $2000 (not real figures but correct ratios). STC rebate of $7000 was deducted GST free, invoice total paid was $15,000, gst $2000. I've already checked with the electrician that this is how he usually invoices. When I'm preparing the BAS I have the $22,000 coded as CAP, then the STC rebate negatively coded as FRE, I guess the figures all add up but it doesn't look right on the GST report that the STC rebate is deducted from the GST purchases? Thanks
Hi gb6,
Since your question is mainly about how to code the STC rebate, it's best to consult with an accountant for a more accurate recording.