Forum Discussion

SalBasky's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 days ago

How to treat rent payment in bank feed

Hi Guys,

I have just added a bank account to my feeds in Business Pro.  This account will have rent payments come in through the bank feed.  

Given the rent payments will be net, how should I correctly record the expenses (maintenence, agent fees etc) that have already been taken from the rent.

I am reasonably new to this, so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you :)


  • Hi SalBasky


    Personally, I record a 'Receive Money' transaction, but have line items for all the income and expenditure so you can allocate if there is GST on each transaction. 

    For example:  CR Rent: [income] - GST free

                          DR Management fees [expense] - GST

                          DR Council Rates [expense] - GST free


    Hope this helps!

3 Replies

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi SalBasky,


    I get why it's important to ensure the rent transactions are spot-on. Providing specific financial advice isn't something we can do as moderators, but I'd recommend consulting a financial advisor or accountant to double-check everything.


    Don't hesitate to start a new thread if you have any other questions.



  • KellyKellyProp's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi SalBasky


    Personally, I record a 'Receive Money' transaction, but have line items for all the income and expenditure so you can allocate if there is GST on each transaction. 

    For example:  CR Rent: [income] - GST free

                          DR Management fees [expense] - GST

                          DR Council Rates [expense] - GST free


    Hope this helps!

    • SalBasky's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks Kelly :)

      Would you allocate this 'Receive Money' transaction to Undeposited Funds, so that you can match the bank feed entry to it?