Forum Discussion

craigbudpacni's avatar
6 months ago

No ability to add categories in web-based



Back in Oct21 someone posted that they cant add categories in the web portal of MYOB Accountright for quotes and this applies to Purchase Orders too. Only solution was to use Desktop version. 


Its been a few years since then and our company has set-up datafile that has critical need to use categories for multiple branches and not being able to do this via web portal is major for us. We process about 400x purchase orders a month. It appears the web portal still hasnt had Categories added as an item to include as part of the data entry. 


There's features in web portal that are not in desktop, like drag and drop of PDF evidence paperwork, yet we now struggling to create PO's in web portal because we cant allocate a category. Having to switch web verison and desktop is a major as we use Apple devices, so now have to create virtual machines running windows to get same functionality. Is this on MYOB radar, or are we missing something.


Hopefully some good news as to solution please??



What is the solution, besides the long winded creation web and editing afterwards in Desktop version. 


2 Replies

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi craigbudpacni


    Thank you for bringing your concern to our forum and I apologize for the delay in response.


    I understand that your workflow necessitates the use of both browser and desktop applications due to the absence of categories in the web app. I'm aware that the suggestion to incorporate categories into the web app has been voiced by several users on our Ideas Exchange board. Regrettably, our moderator team does not receive direct updates from the development team. However, I can assure you that the development team is striving to make MYOB Business as close to the desktop app as possible.


    I would suggest posting this on the Ideas Exchange board once more to follow up on the suggestion.


    Please don't hesitate to start a new thread if you need further assistance.




    • StephanieUBW's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Genreve


      "However, I can assure you that the development team is striving to make MYOB Business as close to the desktop app as possible"

      How long do you think this take ? They are not even close to being mirror imaged and i think that's why we have so many issues . You have to use both desktop and browser as they both do different things , one has cost centres , the browser doesn't , Browser you can drag to tray from email, desktop you have to drag to your desktop the drag to your tray !! So many issues , ive just crossed over from Xero hoping things would have upgraded / advanced  in the past few years . Seems not .