Hi Steven,
Thanks the expand option definitely solves that problem. :)
When I talk about the refence number of the payment showing I mean in the right column of the bank transaction page, afterbeing allocated it used to show 'matched to invoice 1234' now it shows 'matched to customer payment CR0225', which doesn't make a lot of sense cause it IS the payment and has that number already, so can't be matched to a CR number that is auto allocated or can I change it to show the invoice number?
Also on the bank transactions page when you choose 'match transaction' and type in a invoice number the line it displays shows REF: (invoice number) and then the invoice number is also shown in the DESCRIPTION, can I change that to show the client name? As often clients enter the wrong invoice number with their payment and I used to be able to cross check it seeing the name on the invoice as well as the invoice number. I don't need to see the invoice number twice.