Forum Discussion

griffinsupport's avatar
8 months ago

BankLink replacement?

Can anyone help answer the question "What has replaced BankLink" if they are no longer accepting new subscriptions? I am trying to set up broker links with Praemium, NAB & Westpac who all still use BankLink for data integration, not sure where to go from here. This was the response from MYOB support:


"I have confirmed with one of our Product Specialist that  BankLink is no longer accepting new applications."


3 Replies

  • Hi griffinsupport,


    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community forum. I hope you find it a great source of information.


    There hasn't been any official notification or announcement regarding BankLink's status. However, it's worth considering that BankLink primarily fits with the MYOB Business Connected ledger.


    In cases where BankLink is no longer an option, one possible alternative for data integration could be utilizing bank feeds. Bank Feeds serves as an efficient replacement for BankLink, providing similar functionalities for accessing and managing financial data within the system. Bank feeds often offer reliable, direct connections to financial institutions, allowing seamless access to transaction data for accounting purposes.


    Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this. I'm here to help.




    • griffinsupport's avatar

      Hi, thanks for replying,


      We have bank feeds set up within our MYOB Business subscription but no way of connecting that client data to Praemium who is our platform provider.

      Praemium's instructions (along with NAB, ANZ, other banks etc) to link clients to their platform specifically use the BankLink application & its internal functions.

      How do we set up this connection if we cant apply for a BankLink subscription? Have attached their instructions for your reference


      Thank you for your help,

      • Princess_R's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi griffinsupport,


        Thank you for your response.


        I'd like to clarify that we don't directly facilitate Banklink services. Regarding queries about third-party integrations, such as Praemium, these integrations typically require communication and troubleshooting through the respective third-party platform. It would be best to contact their support team directly.


        Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this. I'm here to help.


