Double up - unknown bill
I have these PJ0000 bills showing up but I dont know how? and when I try to delete them I cannot! it states that I have to login on desktop accountright to change
but I dont have accountright desktop or otherwise.
How do I delete these double ups?
As you can see below I always have MBG befor the bill number and when i put a payment againts the bill it is with VISA, DD, EFT or BPAY.
Thanks in advance.
Upon checking, it appears you used AccountRight a long time ago, which might be causing the error message. However, since these transactions are dated 2024 and were created in Business Pro, our team will need to take a closer look at your file. This might mean it needs a repair, so it's best to get in touch with our support team through live chat via our virtual assistant MOCA or by raising a support case via MyAccount.