PAYG doubled this pay
We have one employee whose weekly PAYG has doubled from around $200 last week (and many weeks before that) to $400 this week. I also tried another payroll, without recording it, and it is calculating the higher $400 tax again. He is a Working Holiday Maker, we have his TFN recorded and nothing has changed in the last week, apart from his take home pay reducing by $200, which he noticed and then checked his payslip, and came to me. The tax rate shouldn't have changed - especially halfway through Feb. Any ideas? He needs that $200 to live on, and while I can manually reduce his tax each week, I would like to know why this happened.
Hi Kim,
I have just discovered the same issue. On checking with ATO tax tables for registered Working Hol Maker - once the employee has earned $45000 plus then the PAYG-W increased for my client's employee from $202.00 to $404.00. So MYOB is correct.
Here's a link to the ATO. Hope it helps.