Forum Discussion

BMP2024's avatar
4 months ago

Deleting old owners

Hi - I am listed as an owner for my files. However, there are other owners there that are old accountants that I would like to delete. How do I go about doing this? 



1 Reply

  • Hannah_V's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, BMP2024. Welcome to the Community Forum, thank you for reaching out. 

    To assist you further with this matter, could you please confirm the following details via private message:

    1. Serial number
    2. Company name/ID
    3. Email Address and Full name
    4. The users that you want to remove

    Once we have this information, we'll be able to guide you on the steps to remove the old accountants from your files.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards,
