Forum Discussion

NevilleGadd's avatar
Experienced User
6 months ago


i dont even know what board to post in, i dont even know what program i have now. I signed up to essentials, last year MYOB moved me to another system, WITHOUT MY AUTHORISATION OR NOTIFICATION. This new system has progressively gotten worse month on month until it became almost unusable, now it actually is unusable.


Why did you change my product? why did you not ask? why did you not even let me know until after it was done? Why is the new product so glitchy? 


What has been going on over the last few days and why can i not login. Why did you decide to do an update at the end of month when end of month needs to be done, oh, and the bi monthly gst needs to be done. why?


What product am i using? my staff/office login doesnt have access to the information, and my admin/personal login just comes up with a blank white screen. Why am i having so many login issues?


Why is there no longer a print button? I used to be able to create an invoice, click the big green print button and it spat out of my printer. The advice i have recieved from your 'support' team is a multi step process of downloads and pdfs and opens and prints, which then prints the invoice with a link to 'click on to open invoice'. Do you accept and understand how stupid this is? Can you bring back the big green 'print' button? if not, why not?


I can now only email 50 invoices and 20 statements at a time. Why? Statements are sent monthly, if i only have 20 statements that means that i do less than two jobs per day and deal with 20 (or less) customers per month. Do you believe that small businesses are THAT small? Why cant i just send them all? 


I used to be able to simply print my banking allocated transactions to throw at my accountant to deal with. Why can i no longer do this? why have you removed this ability?


Why have so many of my inventory items/ products become unusable and come up with an error saying "Something went wrong. Please try again or refresh the browser. Please try again. If the error persists, get in touch with us. Request ID: d6651745-55ac-4e29-973f-b222d30e94a0." the last set of numbers changes each time, and i had a massive list of them but i got logged out and lost them which brings me to the next question


Why does myob log out all the time? half way through an invoice it will simply **bleep** the bed and when you refresh the page you are logged out and have to start again, this has been a long standing issue even back with the essentials program.


Why? Is it fixable? Is any of it fixable?

  • I had a lot of the same in the last few months.  I am in the process of moving to xero.  No regrets so far.  MYOB this morning is spinning saying loading.  This happens often.  In the meantime I have completed  a bank rec in xero and done 10 invoices.  In myob, I am stil waiting to log in.

11 Replies

  • I had a lot of the same in the last few months.  I am in the process of moving to xero.  No regrets so far.  MYOB this morning is spinning saying loading.  This happens often.  In the meantime I have completed  a bank rec in xero and done 10 invoices.  In myob, I am stil waiting to log in.

    • ElanaK's avatar
      Contributing User

      Regarding the comment about moving to Xero - how do you work with your transaction history? There is no clear way to download transactions or did you save everything to PDF/ XLS files?

      • Vedaprime's avatar

        I am printing trial balances for each month and a journal entries report for all accounting transactions and saving every pdf manually.  I already had a lot stored in folders.  I don't have to go too far back.


        when I found out MYOB has no easy way to archive companies when a company is terminated with data being deleted afterwards when there is no subscription was the thing we made me snap change on top of all of downtime issues I've had with myob.  I am not subscribing to myob for 5 years to retain data if not using it.  Xero retains the data even when not subscribed.


        Xero does a good job for transitioing for opening balances for accounts, bank statements, and open invoices.  I did convert at the end of a bas quarter for simplicity.


        payroll is the trickiest thing for the STP records with the ATO.  You need to reverse out YTD in MYOB and then enter them in xero and send them to the ato again to get year to date correct in stp.

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi NevilleGadd


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the Community Forum. I hope you find plenty of helpful information.


    My apologies for the late reply. I understand your frustration, and I'm here to help clarify some of your concerns. I know how important every change made to your MYOB account is to your business. As per the product upgrade, all Old Essentials will need to upgrade to New Essentials as the old one will be going to face out. This is to prevent your file from being deleted on our system. You can check out these helpful articles, MYOB Business after upgrading and Learn more about payroll changes after upgrading, that have all the detailed information about these changes.


    As for the login issues you've been experiencing, assuming they are from last week, we recently experienced problems with MYOB logins, but this is now resolved. However, if some of your staff are still unable to login, do let us know so that we can assist you further with this matter.


    I understand your concerns about the changes in our system, particularly the removal of the print button and the limitations on emailing invoices and statements. I apologize for any inconvenience these changes may have caused.


    As for the limitations on emailing invoices and statements, these changes were made to prevent email spam and ensure the smooth operation of our email service. The limit is currently set to 50 invoices and 20 statements at a time. I understand that this may not be ideal for your business operations, and I will pass your feedback to our product team.


    As for the frequent logouts you're experiencing while using MYOB, I understand your frustration with this. There could be several reasons for this issue. One of them is related to the different domains between and, or This difference might be causing some conflicts, leading to unexpected logouts. As a workaround, you might want to try clearing your browser cache. This can sometimes resolve issues with logging into websites or maintaining a session. Here's a helpful article on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome: Clearing the Google Chrome Cache.


    For the inventory items, if you're still getting an error message, could you please provide us with a screenshot of the exact error message so that we can check it further?



    I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve our services. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask; we're looking forward to your response.




    Kind regards,


    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi NevilleGadd


      I hope this message finds you well today. I just wanted to follow up if you’re still encountering issues working with your inventory items. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. If you still need assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to reply, as we’re always delighted to assist you further.



      Kind regards,


      • NevilleGadd's avatar
        Experienced User

        my patience and understanding? i am quickly running out of patience because i simply do not understand. 




        the above 'solutions' provided by myob are the same solutions that myob has provided previously. 'Oops, sorry, tough turkey, it is what it is, deal with it'


        lets start with a really simply question. Why does myob not believe in being able to print an invoice simply and easily?

  • DtheP69's avatar
    Experienced User

    I have been back and forth with MYOB constantly in the last 3 months, I have been chasing a fis to Client invoice reminders on the software PC app for the last 3 YEARs and now more issues, emails from them saying thank you we are working to resolve your issue but nothing is ever resolved, they up their pricing and give you a half working program in return.

    I am on the waiting line now for another issue I have been on call waiting for 67 min.

    No doubt I will get another call assistant that has no clue and offers to escalate the issue in which you get another email providing no help whatso ever.

    Is there anyone in MYOB that knows what they are doing?

    re thee any users that have had success?

    Maybe Xero is an option, Bit of a shame I have used MYOB for 23 Years and it's turned to **bleep**!!!!