Forum Discussion

Digby's avatar
Experienced User
10 months ago

Annual Holidays (estimated leave in advance)

We have just been automatically upgraded to the Business payroll system.

 I eventually managed to process the latest payroll, emailed the payslips to the staff.


A staff member, who only started work 4 weeks ago, asked if they can take some of their 3.13 weeks (117.53 hrs) of "Annual holidays (estimated leave in advance)"   that is suddenly showing on the bottom of their payslip.

 I looked on their leave summary screen it has 3.10 weeks showing under “Available balance”. But when I click on Annual Leave it shows 0 days available.


Why is their payslip showing leave available that they don't have???? 

Before the automatic upgrade they had about 6 hrs of leave not 3 weeks!!!!

How do we stop this incorrect information from showing on their  payslips????  and showing on the Annual Leave summary screen as this is very confusing for all concerned??

10 Replies

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  • Hi Digby


    Thanks for posting in the forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about the incorrect values of Annual Leave for one of your employees. Although I could not identify what caused the wrong Annual Leave balance, we could edit these values from the Payroll menu > Employees > click the employee > Leave tab > Annual holidays > Opening leave balance screen. 


    Also, I would suggest reading through the article Updating leave balances - NZ. This will give you more information on editing the leave values. 


    If you have any other concerns, feel free to post again on the forum. 







    • Digby's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Genreve


       I had also checked the Leave/Annual holidays screen and that is showing a Nil Opening leave balance so there is nothing to adjust. And there is no option to adjust the Estimated leave in advance.

      It looks like in the upgrade the system is not caculating leave by usign the employees start date.  It is assuming that all employees have been employed for the full year and they have accrued 3.11 weeks of Annual leave up to the end of September 2023.


      It is also showing the same exact same amount accrued for an employee who started in May of this year. 




      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Digby


        Thanks for your response and the screenshots included. 


        May I also get a screenshot of the employee start date from the Employment tab of the employee information? 


        We look forward to your response.


