8 months ago
Overriding final pay amount
On advice from our accountant I am wanting to amend our 3x directors to not accumulate annual leave. They advised to make their allowances zero. I can not change this without deleting the employee an...
Based on my understanding of your question, you would like to adjust the annual leave balance to zero and prevent the accumulation of annual leave going forward.
Please refer to the following instructions for making the annual leave balance adjustment:
Adjust the annual leave balance
You can adjust an employee's leave balance by recording a zero-dollar pay with a leave adjustment value. The employee won't be paid anything, but their leave balance will be corrected. You can also add a note to the pay so the resulting pay slip will clearly show the adjustment you've made. It also provides a record and audit trail of what happened and how you fixed it.
To stop the accumulation of annual leave for an employee, go to the "Leave pay item" and deselect the employee.
Alternatively, go to the employee card > Payroll details > Leave and remove the annual leave.
I hope this helps.
Posted on behalf of Shanika (MYOB Staff)
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