Payables with Tax Report online vs Payables Reconciliation Summary Desktop
Hello Users
I've come across a similar enquiry as to Nicole_P from a post 2years ago where reporting is out of balance and different on both online and desktop reporting. We do use foreign multi-currency and this is the first company I've worked for that uses it. Our Accountant each year struggles with the out of balance and I've just put it down to the foreign exchange. I don't know how to find and correct the out of balance, and need further guidance due recently the 'Out of Balance' amount on my desktop AR stated for the past 12 months -$361.74 as at the 30/09/2024. Now as at 31/10/2024, the figure has changed to $2,857.90 (online it states $46,647.77). I don't understand??
Would really appreciate some resolution so that I have a better understand when this happens in the future.
Thank you.