Superannuation Payable incorrect in Dashboard
The superannuation payable total shown in the dashboard has been incorrect for as long as the dashboard was made available. It appears to be the sum of the total PAYGW + the super payable, even though I have each amount linked to 2 separate accounts. It is quite disconcerting to see the larger amount every time I go to the dashboard when it isn't the true super payable. I thought that when the new PAYGW total field on the dashboard was made visible recently, that the Super payable figure would be accurately shown, but no.
Reporting wise, there used to be a report available that let me see invoice details (to the individual items), which could be filtered by date & supplier. I am unable to find the report since being moved to MYOB Business from Essentials. It was very handy as it let me track the history of each of my purchased items. (I don't need to track them as inventory.) The detailed purchase report that I can see has no such details & only provides a list of invoices (showing only the total for each), filtered by date & supplier. Has the original report disappeared or is it just hidden?