Forum Discussion

BobS's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 months ago

MYOB really don't help anymore do they. When you go in the community you get so many answeres and you don't know what's right and wrong.Why arn't attached invoices being sent with the invoice?

3 Replies

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Bobs,


    Thanks for your post.


    My apologies for the late reply. I understand your concern about attached invoices not being sent with the main invoice. We appreciate your patience with this. There are a few potential reasons for this issue:


    • In "OIPxSME: Enhancements," there is a feature for better invoice-by-url and invoice-by-email, which would remove the need for PDF attachments. This suggests that the functionality of attaching invoices might have been replaced or modified.
    • Some merchants disable OIP (online invoice payments) for higher-value invoices, which could potentially affect the sending of attached invoices.
    • Invoices are not sent when certain flags are not set correctly. This could potentially be a technical issue affecting the sending of attached invoices.

    However, these are just potential reasons and may not directly apply to your situation. Feel free to reply if you still need further help with this matter.



    Kind regards,


    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi Bobs


      I hope this message finds you well today. I just wanted to follow up on whether you still require assistance with your invoices when we’re not able to receive any response. If you encounter any further issues, please feel free to reply, as we're happy to assist you further.




      Kind regards,


      • Shella_A's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Bobs,


        I hope this message finds you well today. We have recently asked for updates to assist you further, but we have not received any response. We will be closing this thread now. If you encounter any further issues, please feel free to start a post again, and one of our moderators will attend to it. 



        Kind regards,
