Forum Discussion

Bullswool's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Unscheduled, one-off, adhoc payrun payment

Hi all,


I have searched and serached, but can't find instructions on processing a once-off; or one-off; or adhoc; or unscheudled pay run for a single employee.

Can anyone please help with instructions, or step-by-step guide? I am using MYOB Payroll version 2022.1



3 Replies

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  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Bullswool 

    You jut need to change the weekending date to what you need it to be along with the correct payment date, and run the payrun just for one person. remember the tax implications of running a second payrun for this person - it should be taxed at secondary tax if they have already been paid this week.

    • Bullswool's avatar
      Trusted User

      Hi jenniek, Thanks so much for the reply.


      So that I understand the process correctly:

      As an example, I have completed a payrun for 17 staff. Period ending 13/05/2022, paid 17/05/2022.

      Then on Wednesday 18/05/2022 I discover an error for one staff member and need to process additional payment to employee.

      In this senario I would:

      1. Leave the week ending as is, 13/05/2022
      2. Change Pay Date to Wednesday 18/05/2022
      3. Click "Enter Pays" and process the correction for single employee (noting taxes as you suggested)
      4. Proceed through all the steps, print pays slips, payment schedule, backup, finalise, submit to IRD etc
      5. Then the following week all back to normal pays, paying all 17 staff as usual

