Forum Discussion

AmandaCL's avatar
MYOB Moderator
2 months ago

Q&A Board Guidelines

Welcome to the Q&A board for our Product Manager spotlight!


This is a space for you all to connect with our Product Manager’s here at MYOB. You’ll have the chance to post any questions you have whilst this board is open, and these will be answered directly by our product manager in the spotlight for that month.


To ensure this space is valuable and respectful for everyone, we ask that you follow the guidelines below:


MYOB’s Moderation of the Space

Questions posted in this space will need to be approved before they are visible and published. 

MYOB reserves the rights to reject specific content and permanently deactivate accounts of users who breach our Community Guidelines. MYOB may delete or edit posts that contain more than 2500 words, external links, content going against our guidelines. We reserve the right to reject specific content for any reason.


Personal Privacy

Be mindful of sharing personal information including your Serial Number, Client ID, email addresses or phone numbers. The forum is a moderated space, any information that has been posted and is deemed as "personal" or "sensitive" will be edited out.


Be Respectful

Please refrain from using inappropriate language, hate speech, and personal attacks when speaking to others and asking questions. This space is intended to be a positive space for our community to connect and learn from one another so please show respect and use positive language when interacting.


Consequences of Misconduct

Members who do not adhere to these Community Guidelines will initially receive a reminder or warning. Repeated violations could result in a ban from the Community Forum.


Learn and Contribute

We hope you find this Forum to be a useful space to ask and answer questions, connect with the rest of our community and learn from one another. Ensure your content is information that you own or are authorised to share. Content should have a clear purpose and add value for the rest of our community.

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