3 years agoContributing Cover User
AccountRight Plus 2013.5 Restore backup from accountant
I use my MYOB once a year for the accountant.
I send him my backup, which he can open and edit, but everytime he sends me the updated backed up file I cannot open it.
AccountRight Plus AU
My version is: 2013.5.15.9262
File version 2013.5.15.9458
I get the following error: "the connection to the server was lost. Please check that the server is on and connected to the network"
- I work offline
- I have told my accountant to save the file on the hard drive and then back it up. He has sent me the .zip file and the .myox file.
- I have tried opening it by "Add a company file", which is when I get the above error.
- I have tried Restore a backup. I get the message "It seems you're restoring a large company file. We're working ..... Give it a minute ....
- I hit the OK, but nothing happens and the file is not visable.
- I then go to Open a company file. It still does not show up.
I have two ideas what could be the issue, pls confirm before i go back to the accountant.
1) He is working online and when I try to restore it , it keeps looking for his server.
2) He either has put a password or he has somehow changed the licence number on my file.
pls help