Forum Discussion

PECH's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Automatic MYOB to MYOB invoicing issue

Ever since a recent MYOB ACcount Right update, we note an issue with invoices in InTray received via Automatic MYOB to MYOB invoicing.


When creating a new bill for such invoices, an addition  transaction line  (tax) appears - see screenshot attached. The tax line is not on the invoice but it is the invoiced GST amount. MYOB is also picking up incorrect GST amount due to this transaction line. Currently, the work around is to manually delete this transaction line.


Can this issue be fixed?

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  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi PECH 


    Thank you for your post.


    We appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter. Possible that this might need to have a repair. Can you please send us a Private message with your serial number, full name and email address. I will take a look into this for you and investigate. 


