Forum Discussion

Karnel's avatar
Experienced Partner
12 days ago

Business verification

I have a client who cannot email out invoices as his business verification is incomplete. He has submitted 2 support requests - nothing has happened! I rang MYOB support on his behalf this morning waiting to be transferred to the Financial Services department only to cut off while waiting!!!!! MYOB - what is going on? How can I help my client?????

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Karnel,


    Appreciate you looking out for your client. Since their business verification is incomplete, the best step is to follow up with our Financial Services team. They should be able to provide an update on the submitted support requests. I'll send you a private message with their direct number so you can get in touch with them directly.




    • Karnel's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      Hi Doreen,

      Matter has finally been resolved but 2.5 hours on hold to speak to support is not acceptable.


      Karen Nelson