Can I add a column for Due Date on an Invoice based Statement?
We issue our customers with a invoice based statement. Many of our invoices are subjet to retention so I have found the easiest way to track the anticipated payment date of the short payment is to alter the due date on the invoice. The statement then nicely shows the original amount and the payment(s) to date for each invoice, but it would be really tidy if I could add a column for Due date to show when each invoice is due. The ageing at the bottom is correct.
Can anyone tell me if this can be done and if so how?
Hi GriffAdmin
I'm afraid that there isn't the option to add such field to the statement form. You may consider generating the Sales [Customer Summary] report for your customer as well, which can show the due date of all open invoices.
If you have any further questions please feel free to let us know.