Forum Discussion

Royc1's avatar
4 years ago

Customise Invoice form with hours column and total hours

Hi, I am customising a professional invoice and am seeking how i can add a column for "hours" with a total-hours at end of column. Now because "hours" does not exist as a column option I have used "job number" to get a column i can skip too. This column has its name changed to "Hours" but inserts "job Number". This I can handle because I just overtype job number with actual hours used. However now comes the problem. HOW DO I TOTAL THE HOURS COLUMN? This is important because a percentage of these hours are later used as a commission basis to be paid elsewhere. The reason i use "Professional invoice" is because I need the date column which is not available on the "Item Invoice".

So to summarise How do I add a customised column that I can also Total.?

  • Hi Royc1 


    Sorry to see that no-one has offered assistance with your query. This is a Community driven Forum so while MYOB does offer assistance and moderate this space there are times when you may not receive an MYOB reply.


    In saying that, the sale layout used for invoices would determine the customise form that is used. For example, if the professional customise form is used then you would need to use a professional customise form to print/email that invoice out. The Professional layout will not have a hours/quantity column you would not be able to have a total hours value.


    This is a similar thing with the Item layout, as that doesn't have a date column you would not be able to showcase that date. In saying that you could get around this, by adding the date onto the invoice inside a header line (Edit>>Insert Header Line). This would allow you to enter a description without needing to select an account/item. For example:


    Alternatively, you could look at using a Time Billing layout*. This would allow you to have a date as well as a quantity/hours to which can have a total on the invoice.


    *Note: A Time Billing layout would be a feature of AccountRight Plus and Premier.

  • Well now. No replies of how to do it eh!

    OK so I had to go back to Item invoice where I could fudge the Qtyunits fiels as the HOURS field and add that up into totQty. 

    So that left me with the quandry of how to display a DATE column. So I just overlaid an unused column with the DATE field. This of cousre will only show the invoice date.

    So here is a request for upgrade on next issue of MYOB Accountsright. PLEASE include a "RefDate" field in the item invoice same as you do in the professional invoice.!!!!!!!!!!

    kind regards


  • Hi Royc1 


    Sorry to see that no-one has offered assistance with your query. This is a Community driven Forum so while MYOB does offer assistance and moderate this space there are times when you may not receive an MYOB reply.


    In saying that, the sale layout used for invoices would determine the customise form that is used. For example, if the professional customise form is used then you would need to use a professional customise form to print/email that invoice out. The Professional layout will not have a hours/quantity column you would not be able to have a total hours value.


    This is a similar thing with the Item layout, as that doesn't have a date column you would not be able to showcase that date. In saying that you could get around this, by adding the date onto the invoice inside a header line (Edit>>Insert Header Line). This would allow you to enter a description without needing to select an account/item. For example:


    Alternatively, you could look at using a Time Billing layout*. This would allow you to have a date as well as a quantity/hours to which can have a total on the invoice.


    *Note: A Time Billing layout would be a feature of AccountRight Plus and Premier.

    • Royc1's avatar

      That you very much for your reply Stephen. Your work around looks good, except I have 39 lines to enter and that would mean two lines for every detail item thus forcing me onto two pages. I dont have the Accountsright plus version so i cannot see the time billing invoice. your reply is still good so i am going to mark it "foundsolution"

      However could you please add my comment somewhere that the "RefDate" field be added to the "item" invoice field options in upcomming versions.