Customized invoice form has suddenly disappeared
- 5 years ago
Hi secondi
Would you mind confirming what Australian/New Zealand version of the product you are using? The reason for this is that customise forms are saved differently depending on what version of the software you are using:
If you are using the AccountRight Classic (v19 or below) version, customise forms are stored as separate frm files and it may be that the application is not able to see them due to one reason or another. AccountRight v19 Support Note: Unable to see a customised form would be the one I would recommend to look into in relation to that version.
If you are using the AccountRight 20xx product range, customise forms are saved as part of the company file. So the first thing to ensure would be that you are using the correct company file i.e. has the current information. If you are opening that correct file I would ensure that you are looking into the correct layout section in the Setup>>Customise Forms window i.e. the form may be an Item Invoice based form but you are looking into the Service Invoice section.