Forum Discussion

AlanF's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Importing Cash Payments - Round Sum Payments - Best Practice

Hi All,


We would like to import cash receipts from customers, where the amounts received are often not related to one or more specific invoices, but are round sum payments.


I am familar with importing 'Receive Payments', but the template ( requires that you enter an Invoice Number, which we don't have in this case.


The round sums can be received post-invoice, but effectively part paying one or more invoices, or sometimes are pre-payments of an invoice that won't be issued until the following week.


There exists (outside of MYOB) a CRM which includes a record of cash customers, and who owes what, so up to now the business has been running a report of these cash customers (in MYOB), showing the amount that they owe (if anything), then just processing them as if they had paid in full each week, which works.  However, it means that the GST Returns (Cash Basis) are not accurate with respect to cut-off at period ends - it is conservative in that the business overpays GST, and it evens up over time of course, since eventually everyone pays (we'll ignore bad debts for now), so in aggregate the GST is right, but not exactly so in any given period.  The debit is posted to 'Petty Cash' (not used for anything other than this purpose), and periodically an amount is paid into the bank account to clear down the petty cash balance, albeit never to zero.


Periodically, we go through the cash customers, and clear down their balances by matching their payments to invoices (in aggregate), and advise our delivery people to collect an exact amount from them (by giving change usually) in the subsequent week, approximately once a quarter - which does take more time, but works.


I have tried to get these customers to pay online, and slowly some are migrating, but it is not going to happen quickly, and is resisted by many customers who like to pay in cash (!)  They are skewed towards being older, and many would still pay by cheque if cheques still existed - most are never going to be using online banking.


What I would like to do is import the cash receipts from the CRM into MYOB, which would also have the benefit of having a correct 'Accounts Receivables' report for all customers (currently MYOB will never show any cash customers with an outstanding balance of course).


I can get a report out of the CRM showing:


Customer name (matched exactly to MYOB)

Cash amount received in the week (or whatever period we want to go with)


If I could import that to MYOB, the total cash received in a given period (per MYOB) would then exactly match the amount in the 'petty cash tin' which would be banked in full at the end of each period.


What would be the best way to go about achieving this import from the CRM to MYOB so that it is allocated to a customer account, but not to specific invoices?