Forum Discussion

Dimik628's avatar
3 years ago

Is there even a report that i can raise to show a client balance after each transaction over a selected period.

Hello Brainstrust,


I have been trying to raise a report for a client that shows his account balance after each transaction to show the reconcilation of a credit that was given 2 months ago - but only just allocated to an invoice.

I believe that this should be done through the statement, but i cannot seem to find a report that is applicable.


Can anyone help?


I am getting more and more frustrated with MYOB daily with their lack of implimenting client requests.  I found a request for this going back to 2014 and still no action.  Do they actually action any requests made....?



2 Replies

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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    In statements - go to advanced filters - there is a box you can tick that says show itemised payment details for each invoice - see if that is ticked



    Have a look at the customer ledger report ( in reports - sales - customer)

    use the advanced filter to select your client and the date range required


    Do hope that helps



  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Also in statements change statement type from Invoice to activity

