Forum Discussion

MagicHat's avatar
Experienced User
10 months ago

Job number not showing up in Transaction Report

When entering a sales invoice allocated to a job #, afterwards when i search the job number in transactions it doesnt show the stock code that was used. It only happens to stock items not service items. It shows it in the transactions initially but when i get out to do something and then go back to transactions to check the job# stock item used it has disappeared. Can anyone help? In the attachment is the screen i am talking about i have entered in a sales invoice when i search the job# allocated to that job, nothing shows up.

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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi MagicHat

    Thank you so much for your post with a screenshot. I am sorry to hear that you were having issues with Job number not showing on the Transaction Report. I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue, and I do apologize for the delayed response. What I recommend is to visit this post that has the same issue you are having: Transaction report, not showing Job No.

    Please do let me know how you go on this.