keep getting kicked out of MYOB v19.8 & can't log back in
Hi, I keep getting kicked out of MYOB v19.8 & can't log back in. When I try to log back in is comes up with "a user is already signed in". It terminates regardless of what I am doing. This is very frustrating.
Hi Nic741 , welcome to the forum. MYOB do not support version 19.x any longer.
Are there multiple users accessing the file? MYOB v19 keep a record of multiple logins via a lock file (usually in the same folder as the data file), which holds details of all logged in users. If MYOB crashes for any user, then that user is regarded as being logged in, as the lock file is not properly updated.
The solution is to get everyone logged out, which will result in the lock file being deleted, then everyone can start logging in again.
Let us know if that is not the solution here.