Forum Discussion

Koksoon's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

MYOB AccountRight Premier Version 19.16 - Import Data

Hi, i am using MYOB AccountRight Premier version 19.16 and trying to import data to purchases section. First of all, i am using export data template file from service purchases to insert the data for ...
  • Mike_James's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Earl_HD , Koksoon , in this case, the issue relates to an invalid date in a text file being imported to AccountRight. Provided WPS Office can save data as a txt file, with the date in the correct format (most likely dd/mm/yyyy, eg 24/10/2023 or 01/09/2023), then there is no compatibility issue.


    AccountRight  uses OfficeLink to create reports in Excel, and for that, most likely only Microsoft Excel will be compatible.


    It's also possible that the text file has some other issue that leads to an "invalid date" message, so it would be useful to see a copy of the file being imported, and the log file created.