Forum Discussion

AdzL's avatar
2 months ago

Myob item number bug on purchase orders.



I have the forms set up properly with my item number to be displayed in item column. 


This is displayed correctly when printing....mostly. 



I have had a supplier email me asking the item code on the purchase does not make sense as it is set up properly. 

He emailed me a screen shot of my order with missing item code. 

To test it out I emailed myself the same purchase order, and it displayed correctly.


It seems that MYOB has a bug where item code isn't always loaded onto the forms. 


Can you please address this. It is not the first time.

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi AdzL,


    I'm sorry to hear that you've had this experience, and I know how important it is for item numbers to display correctly on purchase orders.


    To address this issue, I recommend that you clear your AccountRight cache, as this often resolves display related problems.


    If the issue persists, it's best to reach out to our live chat support through our virtual assistant MOCA or submit a case via MyAccount so they can further look into it.


