9 months ago
Personalise Invoices
Can you please confirm whether the following can be done in this version of MYOB? I want to remove the following tags: Purchase Order No and Shipping Details as I don't require them on my invoices...
Hi Shella
Thanks for the reply, however, I am have tried all the edit features available and still can't work it out. Read everything as you suggest, but nowhere can I find where it tells the steps to do what I want.
I am not using AccountRight, I am using the bottom tier MYOB.
Hi KerryG_25,
Thanks for checking the help article provided by Shella. If you're not using AccountRight, personalising invoices in MYOB Business Lite is very limited. Here's a link that you can follow. If there's anything you need assistance with, feel free to drop us a post again.
Best regards,
Thanks for replying, but I still don't have an answer to my original question. As stated above, I have checked all the links, but can't find what I want.
Please just tell me it can't be done if that is the case.
Hi KerryG_25,
Thank you for checking the help articles that were sent by Shella and Doreen.
You may edit and remove the shipping address by deleting it or leaving it as blank when you create a purchase order.
As for the purchase order number as of now we don't have an option to remove it as it is system generated and the PO number is important for managing and tracking purchases.
Also, you may edit your business under under Business settings you may find if you will check this help article http://help.myob.com/wiki/x/165qAg.
Lastly, changing or editing font are also not available in MYOB Business or in the browser version.
Let me know if you still need further assistance.
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