Forum Discussion

Ronaksarani's avatar
6 months ago

setting up a new company file

Hello There,


We are moving forward to the new year and we wanted to set up a new company file for the existing company.


we want to delete the whole lot of porducts which are discontinued and want to enter the a few new items with letting it affect to financial side of the company. 


we would need some assiastance the earliest you can. 

you can send us an email with the relevant information about the consultant who can help us or any other expert who can set this up for us.



3 Replies

  • Hi Ronaksarani 


    I suggest you get in touch with FGHTables who have a clone service - this clones your existing file and removes all transactions and balances, ideal for those starting a new file based on the existing. Once this is done, you can freely delete any cards, accounts or Items as they are treated as never having been used (as this is a 'new' file). Or FGH Tables can delete Items etc in bulk.


    If you cannot locate, do internet search on FGHTables Clone service or similar.




  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Ronaksarani welcome to the forum. Why do you want a new file? Is it for performance reasons?


    There is a third party service which will merge a supplied list of items into one new item. Would that be sufficient?


  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Ronaksarani,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum!

    In addition, If you're using AccountRight, the process of setting up a new company file involves using the New Company File Assistant. You can access this by selecting File >> New or choosing "Create a Company File" from the Welcome Window when you first open the program. The Assistant will guide you through the necessary steps to establish the new company file.

    Once the company file is created, you can input opening balances for accounts through Setup >> Balances >> Account Opening Balance, and for Customer/Supplier balances via Setup >> Balances >> Customer Opening Balances/Supplier Opening Balances. Alternatively, you can access and enter these balances through the Easy Setup Assistant option by going to Setup >> Easy Setup Assistant.

    For more detailed information on setting up a company file in AccountRight, please refer to the Help Article titled Create a company file"

    Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!