Forum Discussion

Jmarty's avatar
6 months ago

Stop invoice reminders on Prepaid Invoices

I thought I read somewhere that invoice reminders are not sent for prepaid invoices. This does not seem to be the case as I received a rather back handed comment from a customer this morning regarding their invoice and looking at it, it appears to be sent daily.

I searched through the how to's, and can only find opt in invoice reminders not opt out which seems strange. I don't really want to have to go through all of our customers and mark the ones to get reminders when it is a small handful (the prepaid) that I don't want to get continous reminders.

Any advise?

1 Reply

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, Jmarty


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    We know how frustrating it can be for your customers to receive an invoice reminder every now and then. You can always customise the invoice reminder to be sent only to specific customers. You can choose to send invoice reminders to specific customers. More information on how to do this is available in our Help Article: Setting up invoice reminders.


    Let us know if you require further assistance with this.


    Best regards,
