Forum Discussion

Nola217's avatar
2 months ago

Unable to reprint invoice in locked period

After this mornings update, we are no longer able to reprint or email invoices which are in a locked period. We constantly use this for information to rebook services & also to follow up on unpaid invoices. We also cannot keep asking our bookkeeper to unlock & relock the files (I've already done this too many times this morning). Hopefully this is just a glitch & the good people at myob are already working on a fix.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

73 Replies

  • We are also having the same issue. Like everyone else here, we cannot sustain the locking/unlocking of our periods to print invoices.


    I notice that even when we print a 'current' invoice, even though I am not changing anything on the invoice, there is an information pop-up notice to say any changes you have made will be saved before it is printed - I think that is the issue here, this pop-up should only appear once an actual change is made, not simply trying to print an existing invoice


    MYOB - this is an issue that needs to be fixed ASAP please

    • Coral3's avatar
      Experienced User

      Yes, this is very frustrating!


      It makes the program a lot slower to use...even with unlocked records every time you have to re-send or re-print a previously created invoice MYOB is now re-saving it again - even though no changes have been made!


      It was much quicker before the update, when it only re-saved invoices that had actually been changed.  


      I really hope MYOB are taking note of this issues & plan to change this setting back to how it was.  

  • We are having the same issue, very frustrating and totally defeats the purpose of the locked period.

    Also resaving older invoices before printing or emailing when no amendments have been made is extremely time consuming.

    Please provide a solution urgently!

  • GD-mt's avatar
    Contributing User

    Having the same issue here. It is not viable to have Accounts constantly locking and unlocking the period for us in order to send an invoice, especially when they are off site. 


    Hope this update gets reverted back asap on this specific issue. 

  • I am also experiencing this issue. Having to unlock and lock the period just to send an invoice to a customer has now become a timely and unnecessary process.


    Please fix this ASAP!!!

  • Jojo7's avatar
    Experienced User

    Unlocking and re-locking a period is not a work around. This defeats the purpose of having a locked period if you are continually unlocking it!


    A proper solution is required.

  • Janine1568's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I am having the same issues since the upgrade. We use this report weekly to pursue payments and need to be able to email reminders and overdue invoices.

    Very frustrating

  • Jemar_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Nola217 and ASDAccounts,


    Thank you for your post and I understand that you are unable to print invoices under locked period. Please check this thread for the workaround to access and fix it. 


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.




    • SoFrustrated's avatar
      Contributing User

      An inappropriate work around is not a fix.  The company pays for the system to be fully functional and has an expectation that the product they are paying for works the way it should.

    • SoFrustrated's avatar
      Contributing User

      We should not have to work around something so ridiculous as this mess!  Just get MYOB to fix it.

    • Is this a real person or an AI generated response? Because this is exactly what we are saying we don't want to have to do, especially when we have multi users.

  • ASDAccounts's avatar
    Experienced User

    Glad it's not just us. Must be a glitch in the update. Very frustrating.

    Hopefully it gets fixed asap.