Forum Discussion

BOTP's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

Reprinting Payslips with AR 2019.2.1

I tried printing payslips after the weekly payroll run. AR went unresponsive during the print with the green progress bar moving across the screen. I had to abort AR as it was unresponsive.


On restart, the print list had disappeared. I went to Advanced filters, unchecked the already printed box, put in the from and to dates (both 23/12/19), and hit enter to make sure that the filter data was accepted. I got the list back, checked the print box and asked it to print. Same thing happened - progress bar moving, AR unresponsive.


I deleted AR and rebooted the computer. On restart, if I set up the advanced filters as before, I got no records match your criteria screen. by entering from date as 16/12/19 and to date as 23/12/19 I get a list of payslips for 16/12/19 but nothing else.




1. why did AR hang during a print spool?

2. Why can't I get the latest records to display?


I have experienced this type of issue before with the standalone version, and note that others in the community have also experienced the same problem, but there has been no solution posted that I can see.

  • Hi BOTP 


    There are a number of different reasons why a document has not printed or crashed with printing. Generally speaking, it would indicate that AccountRight has not been able to connect to the printer drivers. Third-party applications such as antivirus or firewall or automated backup programs and other applications are generally the cause of that. However, in saying that, from an AccountRight point of view, trying to print fewer records or trying to another printer may be a recommendation to have those transactions printed.


    In terms of printing those transactions, for reporting and record purposes AccountRight will use the Pay on date, not the period. So I would recommend ensuring that the Advanced Filters search you are doing it based on the payment date of the transaction, not the period date.


    In addition to that, the Print/Email Pay Slips window is based on the Pay Slip Delivery Status set on the transaction (opening the transaction >>bottom left). If Pay Slip Delivery Status is set to be To be Emailed, then the transaction will not appear in the To be Printed list. You would need to update the Invoice Delivery Status to be To be Printed so you can print the payslip.

  • Hi BOTP 


    There are a number of different reasons why a document has not printed or crashed with printing. Generally speaking, it would indicate that AccountRight has not been able to connect to the printer drivers. Third-party applications such as antivirus or firewall or automated backup programs and other applications are generally the cause of that. However, in saying that, from an AccountRight point of view, trying to print fewer records or trying to another printer may be a recommendation to have those transactions printed.


    In terms of printing those transactions, for reporting and record purposes AccountRight will use the Pay on date, not the period. So I would recommend ensuring that the Advanced Filters search you are doing it based on the payment date of the transaction, not the period date.


    In addition to that, the Print/Email Pay Slips window is based on the Pay Slip Delivery Status set on the transaction (opening the transaction >>bottom left). If Pay Slip Delivery Status is set to be To be Emailed, then the transaction will not appear in the To be Printed list. You would need to update the Invoice Delivery Status to be To be Printed so you can print the payslip.

    • BOTP's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Steven.


      1. I only have one printer. It has worked in the past with AR to produce payslips (and everything else). Printer drivers are standard Brother and antivirus is Windows Defender. Both are bog standard. Is there an error log that I can access for AR? I am pretty certain that this problem is on the AR side, not on the W10 side.


      2. I used the payment date not the period dates.


      3. By hunting around the transation list for 23/12 I found the records, changed the delivery status and they now show up to be printed - this is a workaround at best.


      So thank you for providing a workaround. But I think that we need to work out why AR hangs in the first place, since this is what caused the printing problem. And why the records do not show up when I apply the correct advanced filters. Maybe this is a date issue since the payment date was in advance of today's date?


      Should I submit a bug report? If so how do I do this?



      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi BOTP 


        Various troubleshooting steps would need to be done for us to recognise this as a known issue with the software. Steps like reinstalling of the Microsoft .Net Framework and Microsoft SQL Server Compact on that computer, a reinstall of the product and printer drivers. Along, with an indication of whether it occurs all the time, with another printer/PDFprinter, within all company files and within the sample company file. By doing this we would be looking at eliminating factors on the computer and the environment to ascertain where exactly the problem does lie. For example, testing in the sample company file eliminates it being a file-specific error, testing another printer/PDF printer will give us an indication of the connection with that printer and AccountRight.

        As to an error log, generally speaking, would have been generated and would have been located in the diagnostic folder - see more information in obtaining that file please see AccountRight Log Locations