Forum Discussion

SaifuddinFaizi's avatar
9 months ago

Update Supplier Card ID's

Hi there,


We currently dont use Card ID field in supplier cards. Recently due to some system upgrades we want to start using them.


Currently they are all sitting at *None and some have been updated to numbers manually.


I have tried to update the supplier cards via an upload to update the card ID's for some of the suppliers. It says updated without any errors but the card ID's on the suppliers still shows as *None.


If i upload without updating suppliers and as a new supplier upload file. It updates properly but duplicates the supplier.


Anything that we need to keep in mind while updating supplier card ID through an upload? Any tips or tricks that we are not aware off?


I have tried uploading with all fields and also with the mandatory fields. Same result and card ID's do not get updated.


Kind regards,


7 Replies

  • Hi SaifuddinFaizi 


    Unfortunately since AR2011, MYOB has had a bug that prevents updating the CardID on supplier cards. There are numerous posts about this on the forum.  It can only be done manually one by one, or by a specialist via the backend. If you have thousands, get in touch with FGHTables - they should also be able to get rid of the duplicated suppliers -  else do manually one by one.




    • SaifuddinFaizi's avatar

      Thanks Gavin.


      gavin12345 How do I address this issue with MYOB technical team? more than 10 years and they havent found a fix with all the updates since then?


      Is there a username that i can tag in to address and check with MYOB teams.

    • Genreve_S's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi SaifuddinFaizi


      Thank you for posting your concern in the forum. 


      I understand how this issue could entail a lot of work. Unfortunately, it is as gavin12345 has mentioned. There is still no workaround for the supplier card ID importing. The instruction regarding this one is to edit the card ID one by one. We will raise this again with the appropriate team to hopefully improve this. 


      We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, feel free to post again in the forum if you have any other concerns. 




      • MFreer_FC's avatar
        Experienced User

        Question then, so if we create a supplier in another system and import the data to create a new supplier card in MYOB, will the CardID be populated or not?