Forum Discussion

WSACCI's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

Annual Leave & Sick Leave Accruals - Not working

Anyone have any issues with accruals not processing this week? I processed payroll for staff yesterday and all accurals have not been completed. The payroll categories are correct and have been attached to staff applicable. No changes were made since the previous pay run. Anyone else see this happening and know what I may have done or is this an issue with MYOB?

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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi WSACCI 

    Thank you so much for your post.

    For the Employees that get the Entitlement Annual Leave go to Card file>>Cards Lists>>Select the Employee>>Select the Payroll details tab>>On the LEFT HAND SIDE select Pay History. If you select to Show the Pay History for Year-to-date. does it show a value for the Annual leave ) category?

    For the Employees on the Entitlement: Annual Leave P/Time, are they salary employee's or hourly employee's ? Also when you go to Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Select the Employee>>Select Next>>Select the arrow next to the employee's name. This will bring up the Pay Employee Window, is it showing any hours for the entitlement or the wage categories? i.e. you have a value of Hours against the Base Hourly Category?

    Just In general I would make sure that you linked the correct employee's to the correct entitlements. You can check this via Payroll>>Payroll Categories>>Selecting the Entitlements tab>>Selecting the required Entitlement and then select the Employee button. You would need to make sure that the required employees are ticked against the required entitlement.
