Forum Discussion

Kerrin2's avatar
2 years ago

Complaint about the length of time it is taking to talk to a payroll specialist!!!

I rang Myob at 12.22 today and spoke to a gentleman who said he had to pass me on to a payroll specialist.  After being on hold for 2 hours 57 minutes and 18 seconds I gave up and hung up the phone.


I have tried again at 15.22 today and have currently been on hold for 1 hour and 9 minutes after being informed I would be processed as a "PRIORITY" after being on hold for so long.


MYOB, this is extremely poor form.  I have over 100 staff I need to process payroll for and I can't manage to speak to anyone to rectify my issue.  


Sorry staff looks like you will not be paid today.


Needless to say I am not a happy camper and I don't think the staff will be either!!!


15 Replies

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  • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    When you can't get through to Support or are facing a long delay, consider these alternative help channels:


    1.    Contact a local MYOB Accredited Advisor from this list  - Accountants and bookkeepers accredited as MYOB Certified Consultants . You should get a reply soon - often on the same day and always with 24 hours. They are trained and experienced. familiar with small business needs and able to come to your premises - with reasonable rates.


    2. Also posting your problem here in the Community Forum - with details. You will usually get a response with 24 hours.


    Kym Yeoward CPA ACIS


    MYOB Certified Consultant since 2007

  • Hi Kerrin2


    I'm sorry to hear about the experience you've had. If you wish to offer additional feedback on this, you're welcome to do so via the Feedback & Complaints channel on our Contact us page.


    That said, if you could provide me with some information in regards to your payroll query, I'd be happy to take a look into it. 

    • Kerrin2's avatar

      I am still currently on hold (now over 2 hours for the second call) and will go to your complaints page to voice my opinion.


      In 1 company  I tried to process 2 pays and they will not post, keep coming up blank.  I have over 100 pays to do in that company and am not willing to waste my time processing them until I can get these through.


      In the second company  there is an employee card that keeps crashing Myob.

      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Kerrin2


        I'm sorry that you've had that experience. I'm glad to hear that this has now been resolved for you. 


        If you do have any further queries feel free to to come back to the Community Forum if you have anymore questions, we'd be more than happy to assist