Forum Discussion

wkswhc's avatar
Experienced User
8 months ago

EOFY Finalisation does not equal Register

I am trying to prepare the Payment Summaries for our Employees and the EOFY Finalisation figure for Gross Payments YTD does not equal the figures in the Register Summary.


Initially it was $1m out but after going through each submitted payroll and reconciling the YTD figure to the Register and sending an Event update if it didn't agree I finally got it down to a variance on 1 employee.


I have manually calculated what their Gross pay should be which agrees with the Register but can't get  the EOFY to agree


Any help would be appreciated. 

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi wkswhc


    If the YTD Verification Report doesn't match the Payroll Register Report is because all the wages that are reported as Gross Payments will only show in YTD Verification Report. Under EOFY Finalisation tab, against the employee name there is three dots there that will show the Individual Summary Payments as the breakdown of other pay items that is not reported as Gross Payments. If you add these Gross YTD to the Verification Report, everything should match. If there's anything you need assistance with, feel free to create a post again.


    Best regards,


    • MarieS2021's avatar
      Contributing User

      What if it doesn't match and you have sent multiple update events but there is a category that is missing under gross wages and wont filter through from myob to STP? We have a number of categories that arents being reflected in the gross income amount but set up on myob under the gross wage ato category.