Forum Discussion

Mandy2013's avatar
Experienced Cover User
8 months ago

EOFY Payroll Finalisation

I'm hoping someone can help.  My payroll register and payroll summary reports agree. 


When I go to the Single Touch Payroll reporting - STP Reports Section, all the gross payments and the PAYG payments add up and agree with the two reports above.  The problem is when I go to the EOFY Finalisation Section - the gross amounts and PAYG amounts differ - much lower than what they should be.  I'm at a loss with what is going on?


  • I just sent an update event with no details and it worked, amounts changed to the correct amount.

  • I just sent an update event with no details and it worked, amounts changed to the correct amount.

    • Mandy2013's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Unfortunately, an event update didn't help things on my side?

  • Mandy2013's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have some further information regarding this problem.  Two payments of exactly the same amount were made on the same day.  Perhaps this had an effect?

  • I am having the same issue, I can't finalise because amounts are so much lower than they should be???

    • Allways's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I too am having the same trouble, and sending an update did not help


  • AngeC's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi All


    I too had the problem where my unused annual leave etc, were not populating onto the ATO finalization report. I took off the lock files and went back into the STP section clicked send update event , went back to main screen waited 5 mins and went back into STP Section  it fixed the problem

  • colleenWatson's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I also have the same problem, but no one from MYOB seems to have a solution.

    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      colleenWatsonDid you try doing the send update event with the file completely unlocked in the preferences (no lock date at all). I think that's what eventually worked for me (suggested by someone else on this thread). Even with the lock date set at the end of the previous financial year it didn't work, from memory, but with the tick completely removed, it did. I think. It's been a while now. I also ended up with about 500 payslips I then needed to manually change the status to 'already sent'  but at least the numbers balanced.


      • Mandy2013's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Hi Colleen, yes that's exactly what worked - sorry I forgot and came back and update.  Thank you