Forum Discussion

Mandy2013's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 days ago

EOFY Payroll Finalisation

I'm hoping someone can help.  My payroll register and payroll summary reports agree. 


When I go to the Single Touch Payroll reporting - STP Reports Section, all the gross payments and the PAYG payments add up and agree with the two reports above.  The problem is when I go to the EOFY Finalisation Section - the gross amounts and PAYG amounts differ - much lower than what they should be.  I'm at a loss with what is going on?


  • I just sent an update event with no details and it worked, amounts changed to the correct amount.

7 Replies

  • I just sent an update event with no details and it worked, amounts changed to the correct amount.

    • Mandy2013's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Unfortunately, an event update didn't help things on my side?

  • Mandy2013's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have some further information regarding this problem.  Two payments of exactly the same amount were made on the same day.  Perhaps this had an effect?

  • I am having the same issue, I can't finalise because amounts are so much lower than they should be???

    • Allways's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I too am having the same trouble, and sending an update did not help


  • AngeC's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi All


    I too had the problem where my unused annual leave etc, were not populating onto the ATO finalization report. I took off the lock files and went back into the STP section clicked send update event , went back to main screen waited 5 mins and went back into STP Section  it fixed the problem