Forum Discussion
Our developers are investigating this error. In the meantime, reversing the salary sacrifice payrun and reprocessing in the AccountRight browser is resolving this error.
Please let me know if you need further help.
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- DAH573 years agoExperienced Cover User
I do not like using the browser version and pay $160 per month to use the desktoop version, i would appreciate MYOB solving the problem ASAP
- Polly_Templeton3 years agoExperienced User
I do not like how MYOB are surreptitiously forcing us to go to the Web Browser. They have just started doing this with the Payroll Reporting Centre. So are you saying that the pay run on the desktop should be deleted and then started again on the Browser version? I thought everything was in both.
- Polly_Templeton3 years agoExperienced User
Where is the Electronic Payments Register report in the MYOB browser version? After STP Phase 2 lodgement to ATO rejected in the desktop, I had to delete the pay run and re-create in the browser version. Lots of features in the pays seem to be missing such as putting in dates of leave. However this time it lodged although I wasn't confident of the totals until I had checked against what I had originally printed off from the desktop pay run.
But then I wasn't able to locate the electronic payments registerr report to show what had actually been paid in the browser version. Please can you advise where this is.
Many thanks
- RP13 years agoContributing User
same issue - on the phone to MYOB - they are useless!
- 3 years ago
- Bombergirl20003 years agoExperienced User
I have had this same error this morning.
Have not tried it in the browser, just took out the salary sacrifice amount and the ATO accepted.
I find it strange though as we have two other employees who salary sacrifice also, and there was no error for them.
Will we be notified when this issue is fixed?
- RP13 years agoContributing User
Hi Bombergirl
I actually processed all my pays normally, except the salary sacrifice employee.
I processed his through the web browser and it was accepted. It places it in a deduction category. Clearly, this feature needs to be added to the Desktop version, and is a failing of MYOB to not fix this.
- Gail_C4L3 years agoExperienced Cover User
Info for your Detectives who are working on this - only 4/8 of my FBT exempt salary sacrifice employees got this error.
I sent the rest of the employees through desktop as per normal and the 4 that errored via web browser which worked to send to ATO but wouldn't email payslips.
I also don't like the web browser version. I feel it is an inferior product for the end user, just ugly and doesn't have all the same information and basic features in payroll like being able to enter leave dates.
Hope this is helpful information.
- Sleeper13 years agoExperienced Cover User
Sorry, Not quite sure what you mean. I didn't go ahead and send to the ATO. What do you mean when you say reprocessing in the Browser? I have 2 employees with this error message who get salary sacrifice.
- Tracey_H3 years agoFormer Staff
Hi Sleeper1
Open AccountRight in a browser by clicking on Open in web browser from the desktop Command Centre. Then process the salary sacrifice payrun from the browser version and send the report. The report should be accepted without any errors.
Please let me know if you need further help.
- 3 years ago
I have the same issue with my 1st pay run for July. I tried processing from the web browser, I still got the same error message. I need to process the pay today, so how can I do this, given the issue was raised last week and still not fixed.
- Sleeper13 years agoExperienced Cover User
Just re did the pays and the same error message has come up.
- 3 years ago
That worked, thank you
- Greenhills3 years agoCover User
Web version would not let me process the pay - "Unable to add jobs because total allocated is more than pay item".
The employee salary sacrifices 100% to super. I assume MYOB Web version cannot handle 100% SS+10% SGC but desktop version can.
I did as @DAH57 said, processed the pays in desktop version and sent it to ATO anyway and was accepted. Thanks DAH57