Hide Payroll Catagories
Hi, we have many staffs and their pay rates changes every year. We've also set up many payroll catagories to pay them correctly. However, every time their pay rates are updated, we just tick/select new payroll catagory to their card file. This way, they have too many unsed payroll catagories linked to their card file. Is there by any chance we can inactivate these unused payroll catagories from their card file (Similar to emplooyee card files) ? For example, we have paroll category A, B, and C. If one staff have used A and updated to B and C, can we inactivate A and B from their card file ? Please note, all payroll catagores are used by other employees as well. We just want to inactive them in partical employee only. However, when we run an acvitiy report, there should be an option to select hidden payroll categories as well.