Forum Discussion

myriam77's avatar
Experienced User
6 years ago

Job Codes for Payroll


We use job codes to report departmental cost. I have already assigned job codes under standard pay in staff cards, but it seems that not all job codes actually filter through to the wages account.


See below payslip has job code on all wage lines and yet account transaction window shows no job allocation.


Does anyone know why this is happening? This means that every month I need to manually go through our list and do a GJ to transfer to relevant jobs.





  • HI myriam77 


    As per our conversation, if you are using standard pay for employees with timesheets, the hours/amount would be allocated to the job on the payrun but would not link to the actual account because the relevant job has not been selected in the timesheet. Therefore, the resolution to this problem is entering the jobs on the timesheet as well.

    Feel free to post if you have other queries. 

  • Hi myriam77 


    Are you checking the job allocation in the accounts transaction window by going to Find Transactions--> Account because if you search by "Wages and Salaries" account on this window, it should show the job number allocated against the amount entered in the pay.


    Please let me know if you are looking for the job allocation in some other window.


    • myriam77's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Komal,


      Yes, that is the window I am using.


      As you can see from my screen print of that Find Transactions window, there is no job code allocated (even though when you click on the payslip itself, all wages lines have the same job codes).


      Any ideas why some paysplips work and others don't?

      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi myriam77 


        Can you please send me the screenshot of the entire Find Transactions window after removing any sensitive information. Alternatively, you can also send me the image by Private Message and I will look into that for you.