Forum Discussion

Wilson_N's avatar
9 days ago

Leave entitlements not rolled over into new financial year.


I had an issue with employee leave entitlement as per above, and their leave balances were not carried forward to the new FY25. Our leave setting was set up "tick on carry remaining entitlement over to next year, and we are not even allowed to change the setting as it is grey. I read through the community report and found that this is caused by the sequencing of events, as the new payroll year doesn't fully tick over until a user has recorded their first payroll year in the new year. So, I tested payrun in the new financial year, and after completing it, their leave balance appeared under carryover, but why is it negative under balance adjustment and that against each other? Can anyone tell me how to fix these asap, as I have 600 employees to process?


Leave entitlements not rolled over into new financial year.


3 Replies

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Wilson_N


    I get your concern about the leave entitlements not rolling over and the negative balance adjustment. If they've suddenly disappeared, it's worth checking if any recent changes were made manually in the employee card file. This can be a bit tricky with a large number of employees. You can use the Journal Security Audit in MYOB to track any adjustments. Also, if you have a backup for the 2023-2024 payroll, you can cross-check the Entitlement Balance report to ensure the correct hours are shown for each entitlement. To quickly fix this before sending out pay slips, consider creating a separate pay run to manually enter the available hours for each employee's entitlements. This should help get everything back on track. For detailed steps, check this link. If you need more help, just let me know!



    Kind regards,

    • Wilson_N's avatar

      Hi Shella,

      There have been no recent changes, but the technical team member of MYOB fixed my payroll as I had a time-out issue when finalizing the payroll in the last week. I do have a backup file to check each employee's record. As per your suggestion, if I have to update their entitlement manually, it will impact their total earning hours. Does it not? I have tested on one, and it showed double in the old financial year report, but the new financial year report is fine though.