Forum Discussion

Atom12's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Long service leave adjustment

Hi there,


One of employee is resigning and she's entitled to cashout LSL (worked 9 yrs).

The company changed their accouting software a few years ago and looks like they didn't properly enter previous records. I need to adjust her LSL entitlements ( I need to add up about 130hours).


Could I just open the employee's card - Payroll details - Entitlements - then enter 130 in the Balance adjustment column and click "OK" ? Then will it be showing correct hours on entitlements report? 


Thanks in advance!

  • If you check fairwork it will say when you need to pay lsl. 
    It can be prorate if an employee is retrenched 


    check out the site



  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User


    Yes that is the way to make the adjustment.


    She is very lucky that the company is giving her her LSL as they are not obliged to do so before 10 years.


    You are on the right track



    • Atom12's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Lisa,


      Thank you very much! I'll do adjustment now.


      By the way, we thought company required to payout LSL ( if there is any left) who worked for more than 7 yrs.


      Thank you for your help! 

      • LRBooks61's avatar
        Ultimate Cover User

        If you check fairwork it will say when you need to pay lsl. 
        It can be prorate if an employee is retrenched 


        check out the site

