Forum Discussion

The_Doc's avatar
Ultimate Partner
8 months ago

MYOB emailing payslips.



MYOB - this is a constant problem - not just for me but for many people on this list


If I send payslips from MYOB via the MYOB emailing system it is hit and miss who gets them.


We have a policy in the business that all payslips must go to private emails - never to staff business emails.


We have 30 employees.


It is consistently a problem that a proportion of those staff do not get their payslip and they simply see it as ( they didn't get their payslip).


So MYOB why - 

Occassionally, rarely - they all go out - I wait a day and check the email bin to see who received them - then re-send those missed - sometimes I send payslips 3 to 4 times to members that have received them successfully, 1st time, before.


THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM MYOB - your system is dropping the ball consistently - look at the list and see how often this comes up.


Last pay - 1/2 the staff didn't get their payslip - I resnt them 2 to 3 times and still they haven't received them.


Please MYOB - this is your problem - your server is not doing its job. Surely you can tell us if a 'send' is unsuccessful - vs  'sucessful'


If I sendf these payslips manually via outlook 'THEY ALWAYS ARE RECIVED BY THE STAFF MEMBER'  - sort of points to your problem MYOB.


The Doc

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